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教育目標 低学年においては化学工業技術者に必要な基礎知識を身に付け、高学年において生物化学関連(バイオ工業など)もしくは応用化学関連(有機・ポリマー工業など)の専門知識を身につけた、社会に貢献できる実践技術者を養成する。 |
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We educate the practical engineers who can contribute to the society, by keeping up to study the basic knowledge necessary for the engineers in chemical industry in the lower grades, and to learn the expertise in biochemistry (bio-industry etc) or applied chemistry (organic and polymer industry etc) in the upper grades. |

液晶やプラスチックに代表される有機・ポリマー材料,バイオ技術が生み出す食品・医薬品などが私たちの豊かな生活を支えています。とくにバイオ技術の最近の進歩は目を見張るものがあります。21世紀は間違いなく化学とバイオの時代です。この2つの領域は産業の米として日本の工業を支えていくと思われ,優れた実践的な人材が求められています。 「生物応用化学科」は,このような要請に応えるための学科で,21世紀を見据え有機・ポリマー工業やバイオ工業に携わる実践的技術者,開発研究者を育成することを目的としています。 ![]() 教育課程の特徴は,低学年において生物学、有機化学などの専門概念・基礎科目を幅広く学習し,4年次からコースに分かれ,応用化学コースでは高分子化学,機能有機材料などを,生物化学コースでは遺伝子細胞工学,生物工学などを専門的に学ぶことができることです。学生はインターンシップ(工場実習),卒業研究などの実践の場を与えられ,就職、進学(専攻科・大学編入学)、専攻科からの就職、大学院進学など幅広い進路に柔軟に対応した指導を行っています。 |
Organic and polymeric materials such as liquid crystals and plastics, and
the foods and medicines produced by the biotechnology support our rich
life. Especially, the recent advancement in the biotechnology has been
amazing. The 21st century is no doubt an age of the chemistry and biotechnology.
These two areas seem to support the Japanese industry as "rice of
industry", and for the reason the practical and talented personnel
is then required. "Department of Biochemistry and Applied Chemistry" is the one which responds to the above requests, and has aimed to promote the practical engineers and development researchers involved in the organic and polymer industries suitable for the 21st century. The characteristics of the curriculum are to study concept and basic knowledge of science and technology in the lower grades, and the students are divided into two specialized course in the 4th grade. The students for the applied chemistry course study special topics such as polymer chemistry and organic materials, and the rest for the biochemistry course study special topics such as genetic and cell biology, and bio-engineering. Furthermore, the students are given the chances to join the internship program (factory practice) and thesis research. They can receive a lot of considerate counseling about their prospective courses such as finding employments and going to advanced schools (universities, the Advanced Engineering School), finding employments and going to graduate school after graduating from the Advanced Engineering School. |
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